Take a Nigerian flute master, singer and composer, expert on Peul, Songhaï, Djerma, Haoussa traditions, also involved in all sorts of music encounters and having played all around the world.
Then a Breton flute player, who after having made people danced in numerous night fêtes (fest-noz), decides to go and meet world music (Tunisia, Syria, Brazil, Mali, Poland…), jazz, contemporary music, poetry, cartoons and story telling.
Add to this a Nigerian drummer and singer, expert on Sahel rhythms (Peuls, Songhaï et Touaregs).
You end up with Serendou, a new popular republic governed by flute players with authority and humour.
The Céissé, Serendou or Séréwa flutes of the Peul Yacouba Moumouni meet the ebony flute of the Breton Jean-Luc Thomas. They are accompanied by the calabash of the songhaï-peul Boubacar Souleymane.
This trio leads you into a strolling concert from the river Niger to the river Léguer.
This performance is a creation for the festival « Africolor » 2006
Yacouba Moumouni
Singer and extraordinary man. Yacouba Moumouni is a figurehead of African music.
Singer and father of the group Mamar Kassey. Considered as the spokesperson for Nigerian music, he has played in the entire world. He’s a flute player with a very colourful playing, full of energy and subtleties.
Boubacar Souleymane
Major singer and calabash virtuoso, Boubacar Souleymane is famous throughout the world for his erudition on rhythms from Sahel to South Sahara.
Expert on Peules, Songhaï ou Tamacheq cultures, he also plays kountigui (a luth with one string) and the guitar.
His numerous international tours within the group Mamar Kassey have refined his appetite for meeting other culture and the intelligence of his listening skills makes him a precious and sought after accompanist and guide.
“Boubon” Daneedjo by Serendou from LAFONTAINE Jacques-Yves on Vimeo.
Serendou from Jean-Luc THOMAS on Vimeo.
Serendou – Gavottes from Jean-Luc THOMAS on Vimeo.