Jean Luc Thomas

// New adventure


In good company with  François Marillier, Véronique Piron, and Wang Li, I’m working on the new creation of Théâtre Equestre Zingaro called Ex Anima. Lots of representations this winter. Informations here

// Trào Libré live at Uzeste

Trào Libré

Trào Libré is an new formation created at the last edistion of the “Fifres de Garonne” festival in Saint Pierre D’Aurillac. The band is composed with Kristof Hiriart (vocal, percussion), Yoann Scheidt (Drums), Jérémie Ternoy (Fender) and Jean-Luc Thomas (Wooden Flutes). We will perform at the 40th Hestejadas de Las Arts/Uzeste Musical the 15/08 at…

// Serendou in concert


Serendou will tour in Brittany soon -27 July – Plumergat – Apéro Klam -2 August- Tredrez Lokemo – Café Théodore -3 August – Nantes – Aux Heures d’Eté. Hope to meet you there!!

// Upcoming Festival


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// 10 Ronds D’Ailes – Hirustica’s 10 years


“10 Ronds D’Ailes” is a season of 10 events to celebrate the 10th birthday of the Label Hirustica and the 10 albums produced. Presentation the 22/09 at An Dour Meur – Plestin Les Grèves at 7pm. More informations here

// Oficina Digital à St Anne D’Auray

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// Festival Détours du Monde

Détours du Monde

                    Festival Détours du Monde from 9 till 16th of July with David “Hopi” Hopkins, Adnen Helali, Flutorama, Imed Alibi,…

// Festival des Fifres de Garonne

Fifres de Garonne 2016

On my way for this next edition of this wonderful festival of Fife, Aloze and wine. It happens 24/25/26-06. I’ll be there in good company, Magic Flutes, Carlos Malta, Bel Air de Forro,… and many else!!

// Oficina Digital au Batyscaphe – Pommerit Le Vicomte

Samuel Jouon2

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// Flute Workshop


From 14 till 16th of April,I will be in charge of the Flûte in the workshop of Mod All at la Chapelle Neuve.